Family Life

Infant Nursing Pillows – Must Have Or Buyer’s Remorse?

Nursing pillows have come a long way since we became parents almost ten years ago. The one I had was uncomfortable and quickly found it’s way to the trash. It had an awkward fit around my tummy, offered little support while nursing, and Little T fussed when we used it during tummy time. It appears companies listened to parent complaints and offer superior options to those in the past.

Comfort & Harmony’s mombo nursing pillows not only have a firm feeding side but also a soft cozy side for tummy time. Plus they have a unique shape that helps support babies during feeding or tummy time.

 Did you know that all mombo pillows offer a soothing vibration? Yep, tucked inside the pillow is a small device that vibrates to help soothe your baby. That would have been a life saver for us. Little T was a fussy baby and loved being in anything that moved, bounced, or vibrated. He absolutely loved his swing and was a little more than happy to share it with his brand new little brother back in the day. Since I’ve heard so many thing about Taggies, it was fascinating to see the Taggies slipcovers for an even more inviting for tummy time. I love the slipcover concept because we all know little ones drool, spit up and otherwise make lovely messes on everything within 10 feet of their body.

So is an infant nursing pillow a must have item? It all depends on the mom. For our family, it was and probably would still be a buyer’s remorse item because they are a one size does not fit all product. The overall shape doesn’t appear to have changed so larger women could find it uncomfortable around their waist. The two sided feature, vibration and Taggies slipcovers are fantastic improvements but can’t overcome that small waists are required to get full use out of the item. With the large assortment of tummy time items on the market, I’d spend my money elsewhere.

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Disclosure: This post brought to you by Comfort and Harmony. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

One reply on “Infant Nursing Pillows – Must Have Or Buyer’s Remorse?”

My daughters have used these both to support their arms while nursing or to cradle the babies before they could sit up well. I wish I had been able to have one when my kids were little. Thumbs up from me!

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