Family Life

Bed Wetting: The Topic No One Wants To Talk About

Did you know that approximately 20% of 5 year olds suffer from nocturnal enuresis? When your child outgrows the common diaper sizes, you’re often left trying to figure out what to do. I remember when Little T was barely 4 years old, still not fully potty trained and already in the largest Pull-Ups. Thankfully, he finished potty training before he outgrew them but we still had Drama King coming up on his heels for potty training.

When Drama King faced the same dilemma a year later, we were confident that he would follow in his big brother’s foot steps and be potty trained by the time he was 5, too.  When his 5th birthday passed and we still were facing wet diapers every morning, we knew it was time to seek help. We found out shortly after Drama King’s 5th birthday that he had a hydrocele, a backup of fluid around a testicle, and surgery was schedule for the next month to fix it.

Today, Drama King still suffers from nocturnal enuresis. We’ll never know if it’s due to the hydrocele, the surgery, or something else all together. Due to his small frame, we have been lucky that he could wear regular Pull-ups. That is, until a few months ago. I was thrilled when an opportunity to review GoodNites came up last month and boy am I glad we did. The disposable absorbent underwear provides a big kid appearance to what is commonly thought of as “baby items.” Drama King immediately switched to the GoodNites the evening they arrived and commented on how different they fit compared to the previous GoodNites we’ve tried in the past. He was reluctant to go back to the regular Pull-ups once he ran out, but we had just bought a jumbo box so he’s been settling for them—for now at least.


Don’t forget to follow GoodNites Facebook page for lots of information about bed wetting, coupons and special deals. Sign up for their undercover mission on their website or Facebook page for a chance to win weekly prizes using the code below.

Disclosure: This post brought to you by GoodNites. Our family received product for free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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