
The Dragon King by Vivian Slade

The boys and I listened, minus the songs, to The Dragon King a few days ago. It’s an adorable story about a young king and his battle with a dragon. A six-year-old burn victim whom the author met briefly many years ago is the inspiration behind the book. After writing the story, the author pushed it aside because it did not feel complete. Years later when Vivian Slade accidentally stumbled upon the written story she contemplated what was missing and decided adding songs and music would complete the story and thus The Dragon King with audio was born.

This is no ordinary fairy tale!

Yes, it takes place in a medieval kingdom. There is a boy who happens to be a king and a dragon who is terrorizing the countryside. Knights are sent to slay said dragon–most don’t come back.

“What foolish creature would dare venture so close to the cave of a dragon?” The low menacing growl reverberated from deep inside the darkened entrance. Each word vibrated in Ethan’s chest and shook the mountainside.

And yes, it is a story about magic–and dragon fire, a razor sharp horn, a battle in the sky, green scales and dragon tears. However, if you, Dear Reader, are lucky enough to read this epic, you will learn quite a bit more–how our hero, King Ethan, is forced to make a decision between his own safety and the welfare of his kingdom, how he must master his fear and with only his cunning and sheer will, make what is impossible–possible, because he has no other choice.

The story is well told even without the musical numbers and the boys eagerly listened to the entire story. I love the add-ons that are available at the end of the book, a fantastic way to turn the book into a lesson for the teachers out there, and they will release a values curriculum by early fall. I would certainly recommend this book.


Disclosure: This post brought to you by The Mom Blogs. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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