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Teaching A Second Language When You Don’t Speak One

As parents, we’ve all heard how important a second language is for our children but we struggle to teach them one especially if we don’t know a second language ourselves. Tim and I were both fortunate to grow up surrounded by those who spoke a second language. We naturally picked up Spanish but aren’t fluent. We could probably get by if we found ourselves stuck in a Spanish speaking country but our boys wouldn’t. So we were determined to teach our boys Spanish as it’s almost a necessity around here in New Mexico.

As parents, we’ve all heard how important a second language is for our children but we struggle to teach them one especially if we don’t know a second language ourselves. Tim and I were both fortunate to grow up surrounded by those who spoke a second language. We naturally picked up Spanish but aren’t fluent. We could probably get by if we found ourselves stuck in a Spanish speaking country but our boys wouldn’t. So we were determined to teach our boys Spanish as it’s almost a necessity around here in New Mexico.

Lightning-fast Spanish For Kids And Families Strikes Again!

Lightning-fast Spanish For Kids And Families Strikes Again! is an excellent jumping off point for teaching elementary aged kids even if you don’t speak a single word of the language. The author has done that hard work for you and has translated words and sentences about everyday activities so you can start speaking immediately. I love that each word also includes a pronunciation key so you can say it correctly. Once you’re comfortable with the included phrases, you can pick an appropriate place to practice your new language. A local Mexican restaurant is an excellent idea shared in the book. Although I’d suggest making a request for a Spanish speaking waitress and fill her in before you start the meal. Also, don’t go during the busy rush because you’ll likely get laughed out of the place. Pick a non busy time so you don’t feel rushed and give up on the whole experiment.

The only downfall to the book is that it only touches the surface of the new language and you will need to supplement with something else to truly learn the new language. You could immerse yourself in the language by visiting a country that only speaks that language or take a class at your local community college. Personally, I’d recommend using Duolingo after you’re comfortable with the phrases in this book. It’s an online language course and moves at your pace. You can even listen to word pronunciation with Duolingo so you can make sure you’re saying things correctly.

Already know Spanish? Why not try the rest of the Lightning-fast languages? French, Chinese, German, and many others. No sure which to pick? Try the sampler book and figure out which is the best for your family.

Get your copy today!

Already know Spanish? Why not try the rest of the Lightning-fast languages? French, Chinese, German, and many others. No sure which to pick? Try the sampler book and figure out which is the best for your family.

Buy Now

Disclosure: This post brought to you by Carolyn Woods. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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