Family Life

Sheet Suspenders®

For as long as I can remember, I have always had trouble keeping bed sheets on the bed for more than a few days. Compound that with Tim, a constant mover during sleep, and two boys sitting on the bed during the day, our sheets never make it through a night (or day for that matter). Part of my bedtime routine was making the bed so we could sleep. After my back surgery, making the bed was near impossible without Tim’s help. And then I’d always end up sore from it.

One evening, I was flustered by the thought of making the bed again that I decided to find something to hold the sheets down. Tim and I had tried various sheet corner straps with no luck in the past but I knew there just had to be something out there. If not, I was going to be the person who’d solve this crisis. Thankfully, someone beat me to the punch.

Sheet Suspenders ® are two (2) individual suspender straps made of the finest woven elastic that adjust to any size. Most importantly, Sheet Suspenders ® are easily slipped under any type/size mattress, EVEN A BABY’S CRIB to form a cris X cross. There is absolutely NO LIFTING OF THE MATTRESS NECESSARY and they NEED BE APPLIED ONLY ONCE! The four easy-open clips have nylon inserts that will not damage sheets. WE ALSO RECOMMEND A SEPARATE SET FOR THE MATTRESS COVER WHICH IS NOT CHANGED AS OFTEN AS THE SHEETS.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I ran across Sheet Suspenders® because they were so simple. I showed them to Tim and we agreed to try them out. We have been using them for over a month now and have changed the sheets at least once. At first, they seemed difficult to attach but we’ve got the hang of it now. I can make the bed and clip on the Sheet Suspenders® without assistance and not be in pain afterward. They keep the sheets on the bed without the headache of having to make the bed every single night. We have two pairs of the Sheet Suspenders®, one for the mattress cover and one for the fitted sheet. If the boys ever have trouble with their sheets pulling up, we will definitely purchase these for them as well.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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