
Who knew that bath time could be so educational?

I’ve been using bath time to help teach the kids their writing skills. I use foaming soap and cover the walls of the shower for the kids to write. They will spend tons of time writing and erasing letters, numbers, shapes and drawings. Drama King is showing an interest in writing his name but only during tub time. I couldn’t get him interested in writing at all. He said it was no fun so I had to come up with a better way for him. I think he thought it was no fun because Little T kept correcting him when we wrote on paper. In the tub, Little T is too busy drawing on his side to be concerned about Drama King being ‘wrong.’ Drama King is just learning how to connect lines to make ‘things’ so as expected, his letters are a little ‘off’. Little T doesn’t understand that Drama King is a year younger so he needs time to learn just like Little T had to learn and he picks at what Drama King does. I have to separate them for now when it comes to certain types of things so Drama King doesn’t get discouraged. Drama King and I work more on those ‘harder’ things when Little T goes to Grandma Deb ‘s house.

Grandma Deb has been great in accepting the whole home school philosophy. She watches both boys one night a week to give my time to prepare for the following week. She also watches each one on their own night to accomplish two things. 1) One on one time with her and 2) One on one time schooling with us. This helps out so much because I can tailor one day to each child. She wants to pick up another day where she takes both boys so I can get a little more work time. She used to watch them 4 days a week for about 5 hours while I worked outside the home. However since her surgery, I won’t let her have them for that same time. She needs to work up to that again because she is still recovering from her first EVER major surgery. She’s doing really well so I think in the next few weeks (2 months post-op) she should be good to watch both boys twice a week and each one once a week so back to 4 days but not as long and not with both every time.

I’ve just starting stumbling through Jump Start’s online tracking of the kids newest computer games. Little T has done pretty well in the kinder program given that he has only spent about 2 hours total (over about 3 weeks) playing the game. He’s even gotten 100% completed in one area. Of course, it’s a number area since he’s a number wiz. I’ve posted to see if the preschool version can be tracked online as well since I know Drama King has done a TON in that one. He loves to play the preschool game. He’s dabbled in the kinder one but gets frustrated because Little T wants to take the game over and insists that it is for him only. We have to work on that. LOL

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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