Education Family Life

Random Ramblings

Random RamblingsEvery once in a while we get so busy with life that we’re a little behind with blogging. When that happens, Random Ramblings happen to just dump everything in my head. So here goes…

What Are The Boys Up To?
Drama King is over the moon excited for summer this year. He asked about attending a summer program at a rec center in town so we researched it and entered his name into the lottery system they use for the program. Not only was he picked but he got his top selection of half day because as he puts it; “I have other things to do, too, you know.” Thankfully, his occupational therapy will wrap up before the summer program starts but his speech therapy falls smack in the middle of the program so I’ll have to see if we can move it earlier in the day or take a summer break. In other Drama King news, I was thrilled to find out that our local Lions club offers a reading program where they help struggling students learn to read. We’ve tried many different approaches and Drama King still struggles. The program doesn’t charge a dime for helping the kids but they do ask for donations to help keep the program afloat. We were looking at other private tutors and programs that cost hundreds of dollars a month so I think their $5 request per week is fantastic.

Little T, while sad his brother will be gone for half a day, is thrilled to just hang out at home this summer like he would prefer to do everyday of his life. I’ve debated taking Little T in for the reading assessment with the Lions club reading program to get him help with spelling or simply trying a new program at home first.

Products We’ve Received For Testing
As you know, we sometimes receive products to try out and review for you. So what’s crossed our desk lately? Parent Tested, Parent Approved provided us with Custom View-Master style Reel and Viewer Set by Image3D and Bugables Mosquito Repellent Wristbands. Influentser provided us with Ivory 2 in 1 hair and body wash. Child’s Play PR provided us with the Shake it Up I <3 Dance that we recently reviewed.

Behind The Scenes
I’ve been contemplating some new topics, mainly a weekly news wrap up where we discuss the news topics that caught our interest over the past week. Plus I’ve been brainstorming and creating a portable  blog brainstorming kit so I can multi-task when I’m out and about with the boys. And if you’re a fellow blogger on one of the blogging groups, I’ve been answering lots of questions and contemplating putting together some blog help topics on my other blogs.

What’s been on your mind lately?

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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