Everything Else

Keeping Our Kids Safe

When I was accepted for Blogmania, I wasn’t sure what theme I was going to use but after acquiring my first sponsor, I knew it would revolve around child safety. I started looking around for child safety items and stumbled across a fantastic company, SecuraTrac, which offers SecuraPAL – gps tracking for kids, pets and the elderly.

How It Works

SecuraPal is a small GPS tracking device that reports it’s location to SecuraTrac. It’s a fantastic amber alert tool. You can find out exactly where the device is and even set boundaries and notifications to let you know when the device wanders where it’s not supposed to go. You simply put the device in your child’s pocket, attach it to your pet’s collar, or even give it to any elderly family member. There is an SOS button which will notify you upon being pushed. Imagine how easily you could locate your child in the event he or she went missing. You could skip the typical amber alert tools because you know exactly where the device is at all times.

Using your phone or computer, you can check in with the gps tracking for kids. You can see where the device is right now and where the device has been in the past. A fantastic tool for child safety and additional amber alert tool.

Get Yours Today

The greatest thing about the device is that you don’t have to make an elaborate purchase because they rent them for a reasonable price of $9.99 a day with a $19.99 setup fee. Perfect for those summer vacations when you’ll be out enjoying life.

And of course, you can purchase the device for as low as $129.99 with a 24 month commitment. The monthly fee after purchasing the device runs as low as $19.99. The fees are slightly cheaper than a cell phone and you don’t have to worry about your young child having all those cell phone features they don’t need.

Disclosure: This post brought to you by SecuraTrac. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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