Family Life


If your kids are anything like our boys, they probably argue over identical items each claiming that they are sure it is theirs. Little T is notorious for refusing to eat or drink after Drama King has his favorite snack. Enter Zippies, the adorable identifiers that help kids keep track of their belongings.

This isn’t a new problem nor a new idea. There are lots of ways to identify your stuff. However, these are unique in their multiple options in one cute little bundle. On the back of Zippies, you can write your contact information. I discovered that our Oliver Labels clothing labels fit tightly in that spot as well. We received Tazmo (pictured), Faina, Flops, Kayla and Chip. The boys were excited to pick out their own. Drama King grabbed Tazmo, Little T took Chip, Grandma Deb got Kayla, Tim has Faina, and I was assigned Flops.

Grandma Deb and Drama King immediately put Zippies to the test by writing their contact information and attaching to something, anything within reach really. The first thing we noticed is that the plastic ring on a few of them had a tendency to open on its own which could mean losing your Zippie. Something a little more rugged would have suited our needs. My thought is that the silver bead chains you see used with jewelry, key chains or dog tags would be perfect. Those are very sturdy and easy to open yet won’t open when you least expect it.

We replaced the plastic ring with key rings on the couple that were self opening so we wouldn’t lose them. That is when I realized that the plastic ring is much thicker than a standard key ring. This might cause problems attaching Zippies to certain zippers. One of my mom’s bags has an odd zipper which the original plastic ring would not fit through but the key ring and silver bead chains fit with no problems.

Drama King wears his on his belt loop every time we go outside. He loves Tazmo and that it has his name on the back.


Yes, he’s wearing a hoodie when it’s 90 degrees outside. And jean pants. But he was helping Tim water the garden (pre-snake) and getting our van and Grandma Deb’s car ready for their baths. He ended up soaked and the Zippies held up wonderfully.

Where To Buy

Available in 10 different characters, such as a walrus, Wally, or frog, Faina, Zippies sell for $4.98 each or $39.99 for the entire limited-edition first series. Order your own Zippies character online at or Amazon and can be found at select retailers.

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Disclosure: This post brought to you by Parent Reviewers. Our family received product for free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

6 replies on “Zippies”

[…] Tim and Angi’s Blog – This isn’t a new problem nor a new idea. There are lots of ways to identify your stuff. However, these are unique in their multiple options in one cute little bundle. On the back of Zippies, you can write your contact information. I discovered that our Oliver Labels clothing labels fit tightly in that spot as well. We received Tazmo (pictured), Faina, Flops, Kayla and Chip. The boys were excited to pick out their own. Drama King grabbed Tazmo, Little T took Chip, Grandma Deb got Kayla, Tim has Faina, and I was assigned Flops. […]

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