
Blood Promise by Richelle Mead (Book 4 of 6)

This review may contain inadvertent spoilers. Proceed at your own risk. Some information and images come from promotional material.

Normally I’d provide the author’s description of the book except in this case, the author reveals a major piece of the last book. And in order to understand this book, you need to know that piece. But knowing that piece will take away from discovering that through reading the books. So all I will say is that this book takes Rose on her own adventure to keep a promise that she made in the first few books hence the title, Blood Promise.

A lot of new characters are introduced in this book including another spirit user like Lissa, a shadow kissed guardian like Rose, and a handful of Dimitri’s family members.

The recent Strigoi attack at St. Vladimir’s Academy was the deadliest ever in the school’s history, claiming the lives of Moroi students, teachers, and guardians alike. Even worse, the Strigoi took some of their victims with them . . . including Dimitri.

He’d rather die than be one of them, and now Rose must abandon her best friend, Lissa—the one she has sworn to protect no matter what—and keep the promise Dimitri begged her to make long ago. But with everything at stake, how can she possibly destroy the person she loves most?

With all of the plot twists and turns in the first three books, it’s no surprise that this book will also have it’s own twists and turns to keep you turning the pages. I found myself wanting to pick this book up and just keep reading.

If you haven’t picked up copies of the series, you’re missing out and the next big thing. I could easily see this series winning over the millions of Twilight and Harry Potter fans now that their beloved series have ended and they need a new obsession.


By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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