Family Life

Boys’ Bedroom And Playroom Tackled!

A few weekends ago, Grandma Deb, Little T, Drama King and I tackled the boys’ bedroom and their playroom. All toys have been boxed or put into containers for future sorting. The toys that are constantly in play have found homes in either room.

We have been using wire cubes since the boys were little to store their clothes, toys, diapers, and everything else.

The best thing about the wire cubes is their customization. You can stack vary how many cubes high or wide to fit unusual areas. We’ve even used zip ties to attach one of the sides right in the middle to divide the large 14×14 cube into a 7×14 slot.

How did we tackle both rooms in just a few hours? Here’s some tips on quickly tackling even the messiest room.

  1. Have three large containers available. Keep, Questionable, and Trash. Only put items in the keep pile that are used regularly and are not broken. Questionable is everything else. You can sort through Questionable stuff once the Keep stuff is put away.
  2. Turn on a radio. DO NOT turn on the TV.
  3. Start in one corner of the room and move in a circular pattern moving inward until room is complete.
  4. Take a break every hour to stretch legs.
  5. Reward yourself at the end of the cleaning session!

After we spent an entire afternoon cleaning up the two rooms, we instituted a nightly pick up routine for the two rooms. For the last 9 days, the boys have actually kept the two rooms picked up. Each night, each boy is assigned a room to pick up and the room alternates every night. So if Little T picks up the playroom tonight, he picks up the bedroom tomorrow night. And for the most part, they don’t argue about the nightly routine because they’ve seen how easy it is when kept up daily.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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