
Homeschool Mid {School} Year Recap

We’ve been pretty laid back with our homeschooling the last few months. This works pretty well since we prefer unschooling over traditional homeschooling. When the boys feel they need book work, I provide it but for the most part they learn from what’s around us. It’s much more fun learning to spell by playing Scrabble than by completing worksheets.

Little T has been working on his fine motor skills like cutting papers. He’s also been extremely creative by making LOADS of his own games. They are all very similar to his favorite game, Monopoly, where you roll the dice and move pieces around in a rectangle. He’s made tons of movies with his web cam and I cannot wait for the boys to get their new computers so we can attach Little T’s web cam that he got for Christmas. It’s a higher quality web cam and he got new software so he can edit his videos. Right now, he’s using the came-with-the-computer software which is highly limited but worked for our testing purposes. I honestly thought he’d make a few videos and move past the web cam interest but I think it’s here to stay.

Drama King has been in a lull for what most people would consider ‘normal’ school work and has been focusing on video games. Not just playing but all the back end work that goes into creating video games. He’s been watching videos about glitches (his new favorite word) and how they happen when the game acts in an unexpected way. Of course along with learning about glitches, he’s been recreating known glitches and attempting to find his own glitch in a game. Minecraft (the classic version) has been a fantastic outlet for him to create his own digital world. He has a savings jar and is saving all the change he finds around the house so he can buy the newest version of Minecraft. Or one of the other games, he’s had his eye on lately.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

6 replies on “Homeschool Mid {School} Year Recap”

We started them out with safety scissors. Little T prefers them over regular scissors. Drama King prefers regular scissors but will use whatever is close. We’ve only had a few minor incidents with them.

I always thought that home schooling was a really brave thing to do but when I have kids I plan to do the same, I think that I can get them ready for the world and show them how I make money (I have my own online business) in a way that they can apply it, time would be better spent doing that than learning history or other things that they are most likley not going to be able to apply

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