
Homemakers Challenge – Week 1

I know I’ll have trouble posting everyday so I’m going to do weekly sum up posts for this challenge. If you want to follow along or join in on the challenge, pick up your copy of the book on Amazon.

Day 1
Why Clean? For lack of a better reason, it has to be done. No one wants to walk on sticky floors or step on that dreaded Lego in the middle of the night. I’d also like to be able to walk into a room; not stumble through a mass of junk.

Mary Challenge
Martha Challenge

Day 2
After reading through the Martha challenges as part of Day 1 and subsequently catching glimpses of the Mary challenges, I have the concern that I might not get much out of this book but I’m going to keep trying. I fear I won’t have the motivation with this book to keep going.

Mary Challenge – No idea how to bring life to my “domain”.
Martha Challenge

Day 3
The Mary challenges are still eating at me because I just don’t understand what they have to do with maintaining a house. I asked the Mary question to my 6 and 7 year old and they just stared at me like I was an alien who just beamed down from a spaceship. I didn’t even attempt to ask Tim as he might think I’ve gone bananas.

Mary Challenge
Martha Challenge

Day 4
Mary challenge again is a waste of my time. I don’t have any friends in the area because we just moved here a few months ago. Although, I wouldn’t have been able to invite any friends over midweek before we moved either. I’m really starting to dread finishing this book.

Mary Challenge
Martha Challenge

Day 5
I’m throwing in the towel. This book/method is not for me. I think I need to find a cleaning challenge that doesn’t have a Mary challenge. At least I have started working in the kitchen. And I skimmed through Day 6 and the six list. I love that idea. I’ll continue to skim through the book and pick out things that will work for our family but I know I will not be able to finish the book with the some of the Mary challenges getting under my skin.

Mary Challenge
Martha Challenge

Disclosure: Sarah Mae provided our family with a complimentary copy of the book for promoting her book. We were not required to participate in the Homemaker’s Challenge nor review the ebook in any fashion. Read our full disclosure here. Links may contain my affiliate ID. Image Credit: bzuko22

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and four dogs. She creates, answers @Yoast support, and loves to ramble. Find her curled up with a book or watching her favorite TV shows, movies, or American football game. ?

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