Family Life

Random Thoughts

Drama King decided to join Little T in their room two nights ago. Now, they sleep in their own room every night. It’s been a battle every night because they want toys in their room and I want to keep toys out of the bedroom. I am hoping that keeping toys out of their room […]


Alvin and the Chipmunks

Overall the movie was cute. Drama King actually watched the entire movie and thought the chipmunks were very funny. It was very different from the original and remake chipmunks that have been seen in the past but that doesn’t make it a bad thing. If you can separate the movie from the older cartoons, this […]


The Big Lebowski

One of the worst movies I have even seen. I rarely turn off a movie even if it gets boring. I heard a lot of good reviews on this movie but it apparently is not my style of movie. Trailer



I’ve read a lot of reviews that say this movie displays the wrong message about teen pregnancy so I have watched it twice trying to figure out the other reviews. I just don’t see this giving off the wrong message. I think the movie handles a very touchy subject in a very real way. I […]

Education Entertainment

Top 5 Children Books

Someone asked me what my top 5 children books were so I thought I’d list them here, too. I didn’t have to think too hard to come up with the first two books since the first one is my all-time favorite and I searched for a long to find a copy for myself. The second […]

Family Life

Little T’s First Loose Tooth

While giving Little T his bedtime medicine, he complained that his mouth was hurting so I checked his mouth and his front tooth was bleeding. It had come loose and is ready to fall out. Little T started crying about his tooth and not wanting it to fall out. He lost his first tooth quite […]