
Who knew that bath time could be so educational?

I’ve been using bath time to help teach the kids their writing skills. I use foaming soap and cover the walls of the shower for the kids to write. They will spend tons of time writing and erasing letters, numbers, shapes and drawings. Drama King is showing an interest in writing his name but only […]



The plot and characters were well developed. I found myself very enthralled with the plot as it developed however, some of the twists seemed obvious before they happened. I would watch this movie again. Trailer


Smart People

The acting was great but the plot was very slow to a fault. The previews showed most of the funny parts so there was little to enjoy out of the movie. Trailer


Little T’s Last Day in a Public School

Well, home schooling came much earlier for Little T than originally planned. We went Thursday to his Meet The Teacher night to find out who his teachers would be and to make sure everything was setup for him to start school. We were misled by everyone at the school so today when we took him […]


The Dark Knight

Christian Bale was fantastic as usual. When I walked out of the theater, I already wanted to see the movie again. It surpassed everything I had heard about the movie. The only thing that I wasn’t fond of was the dark knight’s voice but that could simply be that I think Bale’s voice is perfect […]


Reusable Tracing Sheets

When Little T was enrolled in a public special needs preschool, his teacher sent reports home to every parent with the activities the child did that day. Typically, this would be time consuming and expensive to print out this report daily. However, the teacher used a very brilliant method to make it less consuming and […]