Ever since the iPad came out a few short years ago, it introduced a whole new category of tech to parents and students. In fact, the iPad single-handedly created and exploded the tablet market and now everyone or so it seems has tablet fever. It doesn’t matter if you have a first generation iPad from April 2010 or if you recently acquired yours; the name of the game with this and any tablet is how it has become a tool for information, education and reference.
As a homeschooling parent, you can use the iPad in several ways and this article covers a few ideas on how you can best make use of your iPad for educational purposes. See my top ideas below.
Undeniably one of the best uses of the iPad is how it can quickly and easily be used as a reference tool. Whether you use the web or download one of the many apps available to facilitate research; the iPad can help your student finish a term paper, look up history facts, find quotes, solve geography puzzles and so much more. Best bet is to have a mini class or session on how to do research with the iPad. Again this can take the form of simply using the web or using apps. Whether your student needs to look up information on a paper coming due soon or needs to cross reference information already gathered; the iPad can help with both.
Note Taking
There are a plethora of apps available for the iPad; as apps are one of the biggest draws for owning this tablet – but note taking apps are probably one of the most used and or most in demand. Due to the rich slick interface of the iPad; taking notes is not only a great use of the device but it’s also just plain fun. Aside from text-based notes, you can also create neat audio and video notes. You can Doodle, draw, create graphs for Science class or work out and solve complex math problems. Some of our fave note taking iPad apps include; NoteShelf, NotesPlus (not free) and of course the ever popular Evernote.
What kid wants to lug around 4 or more bulky books around when he or she can simply download them to their trusty iPad and its e-reading function. Tablets have certainly redefined this space like no other tech device, and yes! although not all books are downloadable to the iPad (yet) many are. Even if a particular scholastic book isn’t available at the moment for a download, many books such as history books, biographies, math, etc are just a click away. Also what better way for your homeschooler to brush up on his or her reading; then in a cozy nook at home with his or her iPad.
Study Aid
Do you have a child that needs extra help or attention with a certain subject, maybe math? If so, then the iPad can be a great educational tool in the form of a study aid. If math is the subject your child is having difficulty with; then using one of the many flash card apps can help in this department. Not only will this help your child with learning math, it should prove to be a fun way to learn it – since some of these flash card apps are almost entirely game based complete with points and several levels of “play”. So your child will learn and have a blast at the same time.

Guest Author: Missy Diaz
Missy Diaz contributed this guest post on behalf of School Tutoring Academy – when Missy is not busy writing for the web; you can find her slaving away on her various woodcrafts or biking, jogging and hiking. You can also follow her on Twitter to read about her latest web antics.
One reply on “How to Use the iPad for Your Homeschool”
Hi, Angelia:
Thanks for posting my article, it looks great.