
Reading Reflex: Week Four

Last week Drama King had become overwhelmed so we took a break from the Reading Reflex. We had heard about BOB books and found the first set on eBay at a reasonable price so I pulled them for a no pressure week. I was completely surprised when Drama King picked up the first book and read it front to back with a little prompting from me. Then he read the book to Grandma Deb and a few days later to Tim. He enjoyed the books so much that he read a few more with Tim and even brought the books to show his speech therapist. He’s been working since day one with saying the s sound in speech and the first book covers the s sound.

BOB books

Teach a child letter sounds with Bob Books Set 1! With four letters in the first story, children can read a whole book. Consistent new sounds are added gradually, until young readers have read books with all letters of the alphabet (except Q). Short vowels and three-letter words in simple sentences make Bob Books Set 1 a fun confidence builder. With little books, come big success. (TM)

Buy Today!

The boys used watercolors to paint alphabet pages and learned about hieroglyphs. The hieroglyphs was a spur of the moment lesson after Tim and I watched the movie Stargate for the hundredth time. Hieroglyphs were pictures that depicted language so it fit right into the Reading Reflex’s use of sound pictures. I printed out a master sheet of the hieroglyphs and the boys practiced drawing the pictures to create words. After I told them the lesson was inspired by a movie, the boys were excited to see the movie and they compared the hieroglyphs they saw on screen to the ones they practiced earlier.

Next week, we’ll continue the Reading Reflex program along with the BOB books and we’ll introduce some handwriting exercises inspired by the Handwriting Without Tears program. Plus from here on out we’ll do a monthly reading reflex update.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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