Everything Else

Mommy Moments – Blue

This mommy moment is dedicated to Little T and his favorite color blue. Last week’s mommy moment was all about Drama King so make sure you check it out.

Little T was diagnosed with Apraxia (speech disorder) which in laymen terms means his brain knows what he wants to say but the muscles in his mouth don’t cooperate. We understand about 30% (and it’s growing every year) of what he says so we worked hard to get him an AAC device to assist with the 70% we don’t understand.

This is Little T’s device. Since his favorite color is blue; he naturally chose the berry blue color option. It is encased in a black carrying case to help protect it from the elements. The device gets used every day to talk about everything from how he’s feeling to what he wants to do or eat. He is still learning to use it and the icon tutor has been our friend because you can type in a word and it will tell you where to find it. I am so thrilled that we kept fighting to get him a communication device. It is a great help.

Little T is an avid wrestling fan and wants to be a wrestler when he grows up. For now, Little T has settled for collecting wrestling action figures. And he has amassed quite a collection. He has mini figures, small figures and standard size figures. He has a mini wrestling ring for the mini guys and a standard ring for the standard size figures. He loves watching wrestling and then reenacting the match although sometimes the match has a different outcome. Some of his figures came with accessories like championship belts, ladders, microphones, and knee or elbow pads. He also has quite a few doubles (to share with Drama King) and a few triples (for bath time). And if you give him the time, he will teach you more than you ever wanted to know about wrestling.

When Little T was 3, he received a handheld kid friendly game system called the Leapster L-Max for Christmas. He loves to play the games but his favorite right now is Pet Pals. Thankfully, we got a backpack to carry the device and games with us. The front zipper pocket allows us to carry the rechargeable battery pack and extra batteries in case the rechargeable battery dies.

mommy moments

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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