
And He’s Off…

Just a few short years ago, Tim and I watched Drama King take his first steps. Now he’s preparing for a new adventure in life…

That’s right. Drama King is learning to ride a bike. We’ve been down this path before but he didn’t have much interest a few years ago. That all changed a few days ago when Rob was looking at bikes at the store. Drama King asked to try one out so we put him on it and he was literally off and riding, with training wheels of course. He begged to buy the bike and bring it home but Tim and I said we’d think about it.

That night while searching Craigslist for a bike for Rob, I stumbled upon what I thought might be a decent boy bike for a measly $10. Since we had been down this road before, I thought Drama King wouldn’t ride after a while so $10 was right up my alley. What we got was a BRAND NEW, never rode, in perfect condition, RED (we all know that was important to Drama King) bike. Drama King hasn’t stopped riding it since. He rides it to the mailbox, he rides it with Rob (who also found a new bike) and he worries about his bike.

Young child riding a bicycle with training wheels on a dirt driveway
Drama King riding his new bicycle with training wheels on a dirt driveway

Now, I know you’re thinking what about Little T. Well, he too got a new bike but with his balancing issues, he hasn’t quite picked up riding yet but he’s learning fast. Rob originally picked up a 10 speed mountain bike but decided he wanted a different bike so Tim and Rob went off to exchange the bike. They used the difference between the first bike and the new bike and applied it to a bike for Little T. Craigslist was few and far between for medium sized bikes so we got Little T’s from the store. Rob has inspected, pumped tires and double checked everything to ensure our boys are safe on their new bikes.

Soon, I’ll be reporting all of Drama King’s biking adventures because he’s sure to have a lot of them out here in the country.

Wordart used in the image was provided by Word Art World.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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