Everything Else

Random Ramblings

random-ramblingsI’m in a writer’s funk lately. I’ve got some other projects on my plate and just can’t seem to come up with anything to talk about on here. Does that happen to you?


I’ve been busy puppy proofing our life, cleaning up little accidents, and generally being a puppy mom. We narrowed names for our newest little puppy and think we’ve settled on Starlet. But, no guarantees because I’m not liking the way it flows off the tongue. It sounds a lot like Scarlett. What do you guys think?

We finally broke down and became Netflix users. I never thought we’d do that but Swagbucks had a great deal to earn Swagbucks and get a free trial to Netflix. One of the movies we watched was Easy A and I’m working on getting a review up about it. Tim has really gotten into using Swagbucks and Ebates lately. Would you like me to review those services for you?

I, also, had an idea about running a special promotion / giveaway / event to celebrate the boys’ birthdays and our blog anniversary but haven’t had any commitments. Maybe I’ll table it for next year and begin searching after Easter next year. I don’t know. If you’d like to discuss the promotion, just use the contact us button at the top and I can send you the details about it.

See a writing funk. And when you toss in more back pain and my fingers and hands randomly going numb, it just becomes a pain in the butt. Well, actually the back but you get the idea. We all have dentist and doctors appointments over the next few months to get established with local doctors. Yes, we’ve lived here over six months and haven’t gotten established with new doctors. I just miss the boys’ pediatrician and really don’t want to change. But, we cannot drive back every time something happens so we’ll need to find great ones here.

Updates on the boys… Little T is teaching himself to read. We tried a few methods but nothing seemed to click for him. In the last few months, he’s reading things I never knew he could. He’s read entire level 1 reading books with no problem. He’s starting to pick up level 2. Drama King, on the other hand, doesn’t want to learn to read. He knows more than he thinks he does but he just gets discouraged because his vocabulary is higher than his reading level. So when he reads books, the words, in his mind, are baby words. Coming from the child who rarely used the word huge or large to describe a big item. Elephants are enormous, the sky – infinite, and whales – humongous. He’ll get there but for now, we just continue to promote reading in various ways. I’ve tried to convince Tim that getting a Kindle would be a great reading tool. I’ve heard that a lot of books can be read to you so this would be a vital leaning tool.

Tim didn’t buy my reasoning either. I couldn’t even convince myself to spend that amount on a Kindle, yet. Maybe I could win one somewhere. Or someone has one that they’re not using and would like to give it to Drama King and I? No… One can dream, right?

Enjoy your Friday the 13th, which just so happens to be one of my favorite days. Superstition and my favorite number, what a combination. What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen or heard about Friday the 13th?

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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