Family Life

Product Review: Toy Bungee

NiNi Toy Bungee

About Toy Bungee

A modern approach to keeping kids germ-free, the Toy Bungee is a non-toxic baby/toddler resistant strap designed to keep toys, bottles and sippy cups from falling to the floor. The unique button design prevents your little one from releasing objects from the strap, keeping the objects near, even when thrown or dropped! Toy Bungee’s clip feature allows parents to easily swap out toys/cups, and is adjustable to all bottle and cup sizes. Ages 6 months+.

Our boys are 14 months apart so when Little T learned the throwing game – you know where the baby throws a toy and waits for someone to pick it up – I was preparing for Drama King’s arrival and could no longer bend over to pick up dropped toys time after time. I found many interesting ways to keep toys attached to everything so if Little T did drop a toy, I could still pick it up to his amusement.

I wish I would have had a Toy Bungee back then because it really makes it easy to switch out toys and is easy to clean and looks very durable. I love that it can adjust to accommodate various size toys and cups.

With no little ones in our household, I will certainly be forwarding this little gadget on to a mommy to be, my half sister to be exact. She’s due with her first – a baby boy – and I know she’ll get a ton of use out of it.

Where To Buy

Toy Bungees are available for purchase from NiNi baby, on Amazon, from MomPact and, in some areas, at local stores.

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Disclosure: This post brought to you by Tomoson and NiNi Baby. Our family received product for free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

24 replies on “Product Review: Toy Bungee”

i learned it was made by a woman who just wanted to solve a problem she had with her children and them throwing items!

fb: rab pom

I learned that the founder Jenn has chldren 15 months apart and created this as a solution to her children’s “throwing game”.

I found out that the creation of the bungee was in response to frustrating personal experiences.Those are probably the most practical items!

I learned their mission at NiNi is to solve many of the everyday problems facing parents of young children. Happy New Year! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
[email protected]

They are parents themselves, so felt a need and filled it! Their products are all non-toxic. They are easy to clean. Love the pacifier bungee! OH boy anyone who has a child who loves their pacifier, NEEDs this product. What nice shower gifts these will make

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