Family Life

The Best Software To Organize Your Recipes

One of the best things about the internet is the mass amount of information available at your fingertips. The downfall is also the mass amount of information. When it comes to recipes, there are loads of sites – including our blog – with mouthwatering recipes. So how does one organize all those recipes.

I have a recipe book for printed recipes, a ton of cook books, plus a handful of recipes passed down on index cards. But I really wanted a way to organize all of those recipes in one place and I’ve tried lots of ways – I copied recipes from books and put them all a binder, utilized free and pay sites to organize recipes, pinned recipes to Pinterest, and many other choices. But I always ended up disappointed.

When I saw a recipe organization software listed for review, I quickly jumped at the chance to put Cook’n Recipe Organizer, the #1 best-selling recipe software, to the test. I was thrilled when I got the email saying I was selected to not only review it but give a copy away to one of our readers.

What is Cook’n Recipe Organizer?

That’s a lot of awesome wrapped into one program.

I absolutely love this software and wish I had found it earlier. I spent a few hours converting all of our recipes to a new format that is import friendly because I think every house should own this software and want our readers to import to the software.

TIP: If you run a WordPress blog with recipes, we highly recommend the plugin WP Recipe Maker. Not only is it easy when adding new recipes, it can convert recipes you’ve already entered on your blog.

I’ve used the program nearly every day since I installed it. I’ve been amazed at how many recipes are easily added through the capture function. Customer service response time was AMAZING when I had a question about my blog recipes not importing. This is certainly a program that will get a lot of use especially after the sync feature is released.

Now before you go running off to pick up your own copy, at least wait until I give you a discount code. Plus let me warn you that the sync is in beta so you’ll have to wait but it will be super amazing once you can sync between computers, smart phone, and tablet to keep recipes, grocery lists, and weekly menus with you at all times.

Purchase Cook’n Recipe Organizer with over 500 included recipes and a FREE eCookbook of your choice. Don’t want a downloaded version, they’ll even ship you the CD version at no additional cost. If you’re not satisfied with the software DVO has a 200% Guarantee where they will refund your purchase price PLUS buy you the recipe software product of your choice.

And don’t forget to follow them on Facebook because they regularly share new recipes and offer giveaways. Just a few days ago, they gave an eCookbook away for surpassing 6000 fans.

Disclosure: This post brought to you by Tomoson and DVO Enterprises. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

29 replies on “The Best Software To Organize Your Recipes”

Like quite a few: Drag & Drop Your Recipes to Make Custom Menus, think it would help me make the weekly menus.
Auto-Generate Shopping List by Aisle to Save Time, to help me make grocery shopping quicker.
Scale Recipes to Easily Adjust Serving Sizes – awesome!

Love the capture function…would sure beat my zillion sticky pads on the screen.


I took the Reader Survey but forgot to put my email address in the last box (I did leave my FB and Twitter links):
cawillingham1202 at gmail dot com

I am most looking forward to using this feature: Calculate Nutrition of Your Recipes
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

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