After reading the Hawaiian Luau Party Ideas eBook, I thought I’d dig up the recipes that we used during our new year’s party and share them with you. Kalua pig – If you’ve ever been to a luau, you’re mouth probably hit the ground with the fantastic taste of the pork that came out of […]
Author: Angelia Embler
Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.
If your kids are anything like our boys, they probably argue over identical items each claiming that they are sure it is theirs. Little T is notorious for refusing to eat or drink after Drama King has his favorite snack. Enter Zippies, the adorable identifiers that help kids keep track of their belongings. This isn’t […]
Departures by Robin Jones Gunn
Departures is two short stories that were rediscovered which basically means the books were printed earlier but went out of print and are now available again. Usually teen novels are quick reads for me however this one was a little hard to get through because each story starts out a little hard to understand. I’m […]
A Garden Surprise
For being our first year gardening in our new home, we’re having strange experiences. Some of our plants are not doing well and we suspect it’s the soil which is out for analysis at the moment. We mistakenly assumed that our soil would be good garden soil because we’re surrounded by farmlands. But it seems […]
Why I’ll Never…
Forget to Start Dinner Early this morning, Tim and Drama King headed out on a road trip. Not any road trip. THE road trip Drama King has been talking about for weeks. THE road trip where just him and Tim hit the open road bound for the unknown. Well, really they knew where they were […]