Everything Else

Manic Monday

Manic Monday provides three random questions each week. Since this weeks questions are not up as of now, I’m answering last weeks questions. Were you considered popular in high school? Why or why not? I was friends with lots of people from über popular to less than über popular. I hung out with the drama […]

Everything Else

Mommy Moments – First Aid

This weeks Mommy Moment is brought to you by the letter B. Boo Boos are the hardest part of being a mom. Especially for moms of highly active kids. They can be a minor bump to a bloody mess. Here’s a typical boo boo conversation with my boys. Child: (typically crying like they’re going to […]

Family Life

Thursday Thirteen – Organization Tools

Organization has been a big part of this week around our house. We’ve cleared out the boys’ closet and the office closet and put in a variety of organizational items to make the closets functional. So, I thought I would list thirteen items that we use around our house to help maintain organization. ClosetMaid Pantry […]

Everything Else

Wordless Wednesday

Everything Else

Wordless Wednesday

Everything Else

Wordless Wednesday