Family Life

We Bought Over 60 Pounds of Produce

That’s right, we bought over 60 pounds of produce in one shopping trip.

yellow onions30 pounds of yellow onions (Early bird special)

tomatoes12 pounds of tomatoes

Plus 1 bunch of bananas (Thursday Produce Day), 4 pounds of oranges, 12 avocados (Thursday Produce Day), 2 pounds of jalapenos, 3 pounds of carrots, and 2 bunches of cilantro.

This all started out because the onions were part of the early bird special at 11 cents a pound at Pro’s Ranch Markets. That is the cheapest we have ever seen onions in the store so we jumped at a chance to stock up.

The first thing we did was make a huge batch of salsa then the following night we used our food processor to chop up all remaining onions (we used a couple in the salsa) and put them into snack size zip top baggies for storing in the freezer.

And the best part, we only spent about $15 for all of it.

What is the best deal on produce you’ve found lately?

Image Credit: Onions by zeafonso | Tomatoes by zeafonso

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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