Family Life

Why I’ll Never…

Forget to Start Dinner

Early this morning, Tim and Drama King headed out on a road trip. Not any road trip. THE road trip Drama King has been talking about for weeks. THE road trip where just him and Tim hit the open road bound for the unknown. Well, really they knew where they were going but doesn’t unknown just sound like fun.

Back to the story…Last night I helped Drama King pack his precious cargo – you know those I can’t live without items like toys and coloring supplies – and set his portable DVD player and PSP to charge overnight. This morning went smoothly thanks to the night before preparation session. Tim got himself ready. Drama King did the same. I packed their drink cooler and loaded the van with last minute items.

Then off they went. And back to bed did I. It was WAY too early for this night owl to be up and moving. Plus Little T was still snoozing. That’s how it started.

I had a list of things I needed to accomplish and a few things that I wanted to get done. I watered the garden, gave an impromptu Photoshop lesson to Little T, cleaned up after the puppy, brushed Cierra, watched TV while eating lunch with Little T, setup our new portable dishwasher, did three loads of dishes – well the last one is still going – and what I forgot about dinner?

Darn it! A couple hours before dinner I realized that I completely spaced putting dinner in the slow cooker. I don’t have anything planned for a small meal backup.

Note to self: Prepare a few small meal backup plans.

My mind began racing. What could I throw together to feed me, my mom (who resides with us), and Little T. Nothing. I couldn’t come up with a single small meal dish at all. Then come the thought of having my mom pick up dinner on the way home. I guess that could work. The closest places are bound to be close. Phone calls confirmed that thought. So I expanded outwards towards her work along the interstate. Wouldn’t you know that not a single place was open.

So, what’s a mom to do? We ran for the border. That’s right my mom stopped at Taco Bell on her way home from work.

Lesson learned. Don’t forget to start dinner when you live farther than 10 minutes from any late night dining.

Or you end up with a soggy Mexican pizza like I did.

No compensation was received. This truly happened a few weeks ago. I was devastated to learn that most take out locations here close early. As my mom says “The town rolls up the carpet and heads to bed by 10pm.”

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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