Everything Else

Think About It Thursday: Five Thankful Things

Think About It! ThursdayToday’s Topic: What five things are you most thankful for?

I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to participate in TAIT but hopefully I can get back to doing these again. So what am I thankful for right now?

  1. Tim – He’s my rock. He’s taken on so much especially after my back surgery and constant pain. He has a good paying job that provides the necessities and a touch more for fun stuff. Plus working from home means he’s available to kiss a boo boo, tickle a munchkin, and catch the escape artist, err, I mean puppy. And don’t forget that he does a lot of the grocery shopping and he taught me how to cook as I lacked that skill when we married.
  2. Our boys – They drive me nuts every once in a while but they are growing into great kids. And they’re asking for a sister, two preferably. I wondered why they wanted two sisters and Drama King blurted out, “So they can talk to each other and not bother us with that makeup stuff.”
  3. The freedom to homeschool – I love that we have the option to homeschool our children. Our family would be a mess if we were forced to force our children into the public school system. We know that from experience.
  4. Our blog – I love having the opportunity to share with our readers. It’s also provided a few extra bucks here and there but manly it gives me a place to talk about me. Oh, that made me think of the song, I Wanna Talk About Me by Toby Keith. I love that song!
  5. Technology – I spend Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening away from home between speech therapy and wrestling practice so my phone has come in handy a bazillion times. The boys play games when we’re waiting. I check Facebook, Twitter and the blog from my phone. I keep in touch via text message with Tim and Grandma Deb. I take notes if I think of a blog post or item we need from the store. Sometimes I’ve even lugged the laptop with me to the boys’ wrestling practice so I can squeeze in some writing when a deadline creeps closer.

Next week’s topic: How do you pay it forward?

Your Turn
What are you thankful for this year?

The ground rules:

  1. No Giveaways or reviews please, we want to stick to our topic or whatever thought-provoking topic you have decided on your own. We want to get to know you personally not what you like or give out right?
  2. Make sure that you follow all the hosts! (Mumfection, Home Maid Simple, Tim and Angi’s). Pop in and let them know you’re following via GFC and/or Facebook (or whatever your following method is).
  3. Only thought-provoking posts, which is why we always have a great topic for you prepared in case you are just having a blank day.
  4. Make sure your post has our Think About it Thursday button!
  5. Have fun, make some friends, follow, comment thoughtfully and above all else be respectful!
  6. Lastly, we would love it if you suggest some topics for us to discuss! Who knows if we pick your topic, we may feature your blog!

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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