
Domination by Jon S Lewis (A C.H.A.O.S Novel)

This review may contain inadvertent spoilers. Proceed at your own risk. Some information and images come from promotional material.

The second book, Alienation, left us with the threat of invasion by Christmas time and our hero, Colt McAllister, had just returned from a birthday party when he learned of a Thule warship crash in Nevada. After finishing the last chapter of Alienation I couldn’t wait for the next book. After a while, I started to worry that another book wouldn’t appear so I stalked checked out the series’ Facebook page to squash the fear but a few months after the expected release, I still hadn’t seen it.

Domination Book Cover


With six arms and jaws that can snap a man in two, the warmongering race of aliens known as the Thule has conquered every planet they’ve attacked.

And now their invasion of Earth has begun.

Humanity’s only hope springs from a mysterious Thule legend about a Betrayer, who they believe will rise up and destroy their people. The American government tried to manufacture their own Betrayer by injecting children with Thule blood but time after time the experiment failed . . . until Colt McAlister.

A decade later, Colt is a 16-year-old cadet at the CHAOS Military Academy where he’s training to defend mankind. But he’s afraid that the alien blood may be turning him into a Thule—and he’s beginning to suspect that fulfilling his role as the Betrayer may cost him everything.

Experience a cosmic battle filled with high-tech gear, gateways to other planets, and ultimate stakes. Not everyone will survive. But heroes will rise up and step into their destiny in this earth-shaking conclusion to the C.H.A.O.S trilogy.

Thankfully, it was only a few months late from the original expected launch and I was able to get the book a tad early thanks to Amazon pre-order. I read the book in record time for me as it just kept pulling me back into the story. I wanted to savor the story since it’s being pushed as the last book of the series although the ending certainly leaves open the possibility of more books in the future.

Back to the actual book, Colt and Danielle stumble upon a Thule within the first few chapters when they are clearing a recent wreckage site. Oz has been sidelined due to his fathers antics in the first two books but don’t worry, he still makes appearances in the third book. You didn’t think Oz could stay away from the action for long? Domination introduces a few new characters and takes the reader into the Thule world with strange creatures and even stranger terrain. There are numerous surprises and even a death scene that pulls you deeper into the distrust of the Thule aliens. I think my favorite part were the scenes when Colt played The Phantom Flyer in a theatrical worthy air show because Colt’s feelings that the show was silly really leapt off the pages.


By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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