
Invasion by Jon S Lewis (A C.H.A.O.S Novel)

I love science fiction and have always been drawn to stories about lifeforms from other worlds. Guess that’s why I was am a huge Power Rangers fan, huh? Before I was even a few chapters into Invasion, I was hooked and knew this would be a series that I would faithfully read. The characters are memorable and the scenes are described in vivid detail. You almost feel like a part of the action along side Colt, Oz and Danielle. I already am counting down to the next book due out January 2012.

Book cover: Invasion by Jon S Lewis

He didn’t ask for the job, but now all that stands between us and chaos … is Colt McAlister.

Colt McAlister was having the summer of his life. He spent his days surfing and his nights playing guitar on the beach with friends. He even met a girl and got his first car. But everything changes when his parents are killed in a freak accident.

He’s forced to leave his old life behind and move to Arizona with his grandfather. The only person he knows at the new high school is a childhood friend named Danielle. And Oz, a guy he’s sure he’s never met but who is strangely familiar.

But what if his parents’ death wasn’t an accident? His mother, and invesitgative reporter, was going to expose a secret mind-control program run by one of the world’s largest companies. Before she could release the story, what if agents from Trident Biotech made sure she couldn’t go public?

Vowing to uncover truth, Colt gets drawn into a secret world of aliens, shapeshifters, flying motorcycles, and invisible getaways.

The invasion has begun.

The belief that our world is connected with other worlds is not a new concept. Do you remember Stargate or Journey to the Center of the Earth or maybe Horton Hears a Who. And who doesn’t want to believe that some of the people living on our planet are not human?

The book follows Colt, Oz, and Danielle as they are led through a series of events caused by lifeforms that have entered our world through open gateways that connect the various worlds. Flying motorcycles, jet packs, mind-control technology, are only the tips of the iceberg of this story. Toss in corporations run by shape shifting aliens, monsters in the ocean, and a power struggle for total domination and you have once heck of a story.


Disclosure: This post brought to you by Book Sneeze. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

4 replies on “Invasion by Jon S Lewis (A C.H.A.O.S Novel)”

Hi Angi, Invasion does seem to have an interesting plot reading the story’s overview. I am also a huge fan of science fiction so this book goes right at the top of my list of books to read. Thanks for posting this Angi.

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