Growing up, I had my own room. My own space for my stuff. A place my pesky little brother wasn’t allowed. A place where I could hide away from it all. My boys, however, have always shared a room. They are 14 months apart and we lived in a two bedroom apartment for the first […]
Author: Angelia Embler
Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.
Swimming Without A Life Vest
This summer we thought we’d buy an above ground pool but given the fencing requirements decided against it. We figured we’d just take advantage of the new year round indoor pool in town. Saturday was our first time at the pool and we had a blast. If you’re ever in our neighborhood, you should put […]
Are Probiotics Good For Cleaning?
Do your natural household cleaning products keep cleaning after you walk away? Natural House products made the claim that the probiotic cultures keep working so we put them to the test. First, what are probiotic cultures? Natural House probiotic cultures are naturally occurring beneficial organisms have been selected from balanced natural ecosystems in nature. These […]
Home Made Simple, Mumfection, and I are co-hosting a meme that starts next week. Every Thursday, we will present a topic for you to think about and share your views either through your own blog post or through the comment section. If you don’t want to write about the presented topic, you can share something that […]
I have always loved reading young adult books because they tend to be shorter than traditional grown up novel and with my busy schedule I certainly love a book that I can put down and come back later. We’ve seen an influx of people requesting book recommendations on their Twitter and Facebook accounts so I […]
Speech Therapy For Drama King
Drama King had another speech evaluation last week and his first real speech therapy session earlier this week. It appears he makes certain sounds with his throat and nose, sounds that you shouldn’t make with your throat or nose. The first sound he’ll be working on is S. He makes the S sound through his […]