Everything Else

Who Doesn’t Love The Classics

We found some classics books, movies, memories, and commercials so we thought we’d share them with you guys. We’ll call it Way Back Wednesday and every week on Wednesday starting in October, we’ll post something classic. Maybe an old movie, a classic book, memories from our childhood, or those commercials we loved as kids. And […]

Family Life

Boys’ Bedroom And Playroom Tackled!

A few weekends ago, Grandma Deb, Little T, Drama King and I tackled the boys’ bedroom and their playroom. All toys have been boxed or put into containers for future sorting. The toys that are constantly in play have found homes in either room. We have been using wire cubes since the boys were little […]


Thanks Penguin Group!

Earlier this month, Little T received a package for winning a WWE reading contest that contained a damaged autographed poster. Tim and I tweeted to the Penguin Group’s twitter account and sent an email to see if we could get a replacement poster. After being bumped up through the chain of command, we were able […]

Everything Else

Random Ramblings

It’s been pretty hectic around here lately as we enter “Back To School” season. We’ve been stocking up on inexpensive school supplies, crayons for a quarter, filler paper for a penny, single subject notebooks for 20 cents, and loads more. I even had Tim get down our binding machine. It was the in-laws but they […]


As Excited As A WWE Fan Can Be

A package was left by our doorstep the other day. That in and of itself is not a big deal. We get packages on a regular basis because we order a lot of stuff online. But this package was for Little T. It was big and flat. We carefully opened it wondering what had arrived […]

Family Life

The One And Only Drama King

Drama King has an unusual sense of style that is definitely him and only him. He seriously has a closet full of clothes and spends a lot of time picking out his clothes each morning. His favorite outfits are worn over and over while other outfits can sit on the shelf for weeks before he’ll […]