Who knew that Christmas time at St. Vladimir’s Academy could be so eventful? Lust, snow, injury, ski slopes, and multiple twists and turns make this book an addictive read. And all of this goes on while the adults are busy dealing with the recent development of Strigoi cooperation with humans. It all starts with an […]
Category: Entertainment
Entertainment is something that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. We’ll cover a variety of things like books, movies, news, music, technology and more.
Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with an unbreakable bond to the earth’s magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest and most dangerous vampires–the ones who never die.The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa’s best friend, makes her a Dhampir; […]
SOPA Nuclear Option
I just read this interesting post at The Daily Kos. When the home pages of Google.com, Amazon.com, Facebook.com, and their Internet allies simultaneously turn black with anti-censorship warnings that ask users to contact politicians about a vote in the U.S. Congress the next day on SOPA, you’ll know they’re finally serious. True, it would be […]
Vampire Academy Series
The book series we’ll be reviewing in January is Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. Two races of vampires walk our world. The Moroi are alive and wield elemental magical, while the Strigoi are undead and evil–feeding on the innocent to survive. Rose Hathaway–a half-vampire with poor impulse control–is training to be a bodyguard for a […]
The Truth About SOPA
Internet censorship is coming to America. It’s in the form of a bill in Congress that gives corporations unprecedented power to blacklist websites at will. If passed, the “Stop Online Piracy Act,” or SOPA (HR 3261), could rip apart the open fabric of the Internet. People could see their websites disappear from the Internet for […]
Arizona Way Out West & Wacky
The interesting facts discussed in Arizona Way Out West and Wacky are new even to an Arizona native now living in New Mexico. I loved how they cover non-traditional facts while giving you a unique view of the state. Our boys loved the illustrations and I’ve opted to copy the pages for them to color […]