Everything Else

Mommy Moments – Moving Up Day

Sometimes small achievements can be the biggest achievements of all. In our case, Little T’s sleep issues were causing chaos in other parts of our lives. We are proud to say that we have resolved the sleep issues and are beginning to get back to normalcy. Little T has has sleep issues since birth. Some […]

Everything Else

Mommy Moments – Summer Days

Living in Arizona, we have summer days most of the year. Our boys love to play outside and thankfully, we now have a back yard for them to run wild. One of the boys favorite summer time activities is walking to the neighborhood park about a half mile away with our two dogs. When it’s […]

Everything Else

Wordless Wednesday – What’s Wrong?

Everything Else

Mommy Moments – Cars and Kids

Today’s topic is cars and kids so I thought I would give a few tips that have come in handy for us over the years. When the boys were still in diapers, I always had a small backpack stocked with essentials for each child. The contents included 2 diapers for each child, a travel size […]

Everything Else

Wordless Wednesday – Now That’s Focus

Everything Else

Manic Monday

Manic Monday provides three random questions each week. Since this weeks questions are not up as of now, I’m answering last weeks questions. Were you considered popular in high school? Why or why not? I was friends with lots of people from über popular to less than über popular. I hung out with the drama […]