Family Life

Oliver’s Labels

Oliver’s Labels sells labels that you can personalize with 2 lines of text commonly your child’s first and last name or just last name if you plan to hand down items from child to child. The labels come in a variety of styles for boys, girls, adults, and even allergy styles.

Oliver's Labels

Little T got to pick out the styles when we reviewed SafetyTat a few months ago so Drama King got to select the style for Oliver’s Labels. After looking at each one, he finally settled on the Outer Space design although he would have loved to have had his labels all red (his favorite color).

We received a variety of labels to try out and they look as good in person as they do on the site. We choose to have the Found-it™ code printed on our labels and although we haven’t lost any of our labeled items at this point, I have confidence that items with the labels have a better chance of finding their way home than items with no identification.

The size variety is great because you can label almost everything with these labels from small items (pencils) to large items (backpacks). They are washable which is great for clothing and food items. They are supposed to be dishwasher safe but we do not have a dishwasher so I was not able to put that to the test although from the looks of them, they will make it through a dishwasher with no problem.

We opted to put our last name on the labels so they can be used by either of the boys and Little T can hand things down to Drama King without having to relabel items. This works wonderfully for shared items like cups and bags, too.

Where To Buy

Oliver’s Labels are sold exclusively in their online store and they offer free shipping on orders over $30.

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Disclosure: This post brought to you by Oliver’s Labels. Our family received product for free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. All opinions are 100% mine.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

2 replies on “Oliver’s Labels”

[…] bundle. On the back of Zippies, you can write your contact information. I discovered that our Oliver Labels clothing labels fit tightly in that spot as well. We received Tazmo (pictured), Faina, Flops, Kayla […]

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