After Little T dropped a soda can onto the floor which proceeded to burst and soak everything within reach, we were forced to put together the boys new computer desks. These desks were picked up on sale and we used some discounts and coupons we had which made them inexpensive enough to get two of […]
Menu Plan Monday
Round two might be a little harder as Tim and I have come down with a terrible cold so we’re not quite ourselves today. Now, I sit here with a blank menu planner in front of me and no idea what to put on it. It didn’t take long to fill up the menu with […]
Mommy Moments – Blue
This mommy moment is dedicated to Little T and his favorite color blue. Last week’s mommy moment was all about Drama King so make sure you check it out. Little T was diagnosed with Apraxia (speech disorder) which in laymen terms means his brain knows what he wants to say but the muscles in his […]
On the Grill – Burgers
Grilling is a fantastic way to make a meal and because we live in Arizona, we can grill year round. We tend to grill commonly grilled foods and haven’t ventured into the land of new foods so these might seem common but they taste oh, so yummy! And of course, you’ll need your favorite hamburger […]
The iPad iCraze
Can anyone tell me what the iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCraze is all about? I’ve seen an iPhone in action. I have a an iPod collecting dust on my desk. I haven’t been overly thrilled about any of them. iPhones require a contract with a cell phone company that we do not use. The iPod on […]
My First Menu Plan Monday
We’ve been planning our meals (only lunch and dinners) in advance for a few weeks so when I stumbled across Menu Plan Monday, you can imagine my surprise. Somehow, this might be the motivation I need to maintain creating our weekly menu. Little T absolutely loves have his meals planned out in advance and has […]