WWE Raw House Show
Saturday evening, we took the boys to their first house show. They had so much fun and want to go back again. The only thing that would have made the night better was a cameo by Drama King’s favorite wrestler, Rey Mysterio. Little T’s favorite wrestler is The Miz and we thought Little T was […]
Mommy Moments – Cars and Kids
Today’s topic is cars and kids so I thought I would give a few tips that have come in handy for us over the years. When the boys were still in diapers, I always had a small backpack stocked with essentials for each child. The contents included 2 diapers for each child, a travel size […]
Emergency or Medical IDs
A few years ago, we decided to get the boys ID cards that would have our phone number in case they were separated from us. We had concerns about Little T not being able to communicate with anyone due to his Apraxia. We researched a variety of ways to get the emergency information into a […]
Manic Monday
Manic Monday provides three random questions each week. Since this weeks questions are not up as of now, I’m answering last weeks questions. Were you considered popular in high school? Why or why not? I was friends with lots of people from über popular to less than über popular. I hung out with the drama […]