Everything Else

7 Link Challenge #7links

ProBlogger set a challenge to look through our blog and in essence create a ‘sneeze page’ to share posts that you may not have seen, if you came in later in my blog life.

First post

My first post was basically an announcement that I had switched to WordPress, followed up quickly with an announcement that I had added photos to our photo album. But my first ‘real’ post chronicled our horrid trip over 4th of July weekend to Disneyland when I was 8 months pregnant with Drama King.

A post you enjoyed writing the most

I always enjoy writing reviews of products and announcements that benefit our readers but I would have to say writing about the milestones our boys accomplish are always fun. My favorite, maybe because it recently happened, has to be Crossing The Blue Line where I talk about Little T’s swim lessons.

A post which had a great discussion

Not a lot of discussion since originally my blog was only for friends and family. I decided a few months to expand my readership and started out with 5 Minutes For Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party 2010 and soon we’ll be participating in another huge blog event, Blogmania.

A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written

Heather over at Shhh… Mommy’s Hiding wrote a particularly home hitting post about Regular Moms vs Special Needs Moms. Every time I read it, yes I marked it as a favorite in Google Reader, I think about all that Tim and I have done or learned over Little T’s life. It’s no wonder when Erica or Rob have a question about a non-traditional method of parenting that they call us for advice.

Your most helpful post

My first and only at this moment for On The Grill because it provides a fabulous recipe for the best burgers we make plus a link to a recipe for some awesome fries.

A post with a title that you are proud of

I always try hard to come up with a catchy title but I think my iPad iCraze is my best title by far.

A post that you wish more people had read

Corn Dogs, Beef Jerky And a Sprinkle of Rain because the title is funny and completely describes our day at the county fair. And it makes me laugh just thinking about our day.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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