Everything Else

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

My how times have changed. Last year when I participated for the first time in 5 Minutes for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party, I was just starting out. I had no giveaways. I had no sponsored product reviews. I had very few readers, let alone many followers on Google Friend Connect, Twitter or Facebook. I’m not even sure I had a Facebook page at that point. My how our blog has grown.

I’m Angi, mom to Little T (7) and Drama King (6), wife to Tim and the primary writer on the blog. We live in a small country town in southern New Mexico. In fact, we just moved here a few months ago from a major metropolitan area in Arizona. When I’m not blogging, I am a web and print designer.

Tim works from home as a technical support agent. When he’s not working, he also blogs over at Your Celeb Source.

Young children on a dragon themed kiddie rollercoaster
Little T smiles for the camera before his first ride.

Little T is our first born. He’s a huge wrestling fan, loves the Power Rangers, and uses his webcam to make videos. He has Apraxia which is a speech disorder. He loves to talk and has progressed wonderfully but we only understand a fraction of what he says. He uses an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) device to communicate everything we do not understand.

Young child swinging on the trapeze bar of a swing set
Drama King On The swing set

Drama King is our youngest. He’s a huge fan of nature, loves the Power Rangers, and is a fantastic Nintendo NES player. He loves to tell people he’s bilingual because he speaks Little T-ese. It’s amazing how the two of them are so in sync with each other. He will remind you about saving the planet, saving animals, and just being a good Earthling.

If you asked me what you would see on here, I’d likely respond with ‘a little bit of that and a little bit of that.’ We do product reviews and giveaways. We share our homeschool activities. We talk about our day-to-day life. We share our favorite recipes. And sometimes, we talk about current events. It really is a little bit of this and that.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

30 replies on “Ultimate Blog Party 2011”


I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL

Anyhow…please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:

So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at

And…Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at

I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!

Have a very blessed day!! :0)

Hello there,Thank you for the great quality of your blog, each time i come here, i’m amazed.


Visiting from UBP. You have a wonderful family! Feel free to stop by for a visit!

Just poppin in from the UBP! Hope you’ll do the honor of visiting me back! I’m new at this this year!

Stopping by to say ‘Hi’ from my 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party 2011 link-up! What a great blog you have and I will be following! Stop by and say ‘Hi’ back! I have blog parties on Tuesday and Wednesday’s that may interest you. Tuesday is Tutorial & Thrifty Treasures Tuesday. Wednesday is What’s Cookin’ Wednesday. I am also looking for guest posts on home décor and crafts if you are interested.

Extreme Personal Measures

Hiya, I’m a new follower from the UBP’11. Nice blog! Please stop by A Little of This and a Little of That and follow back. Have a super week!

Your boys are adorable! Love hearing that they both like Power Rangers 🙂

How lovely to meet you! I home schooled for years. My delightful children are finally grown and out on their own–so I have a LOT more time these days. You folks have a beautiful blog. This is my first time participating in the Ultimate Blog Party. I think it is such a wonderful way to meet new people.

Have a wonderful day!

Happy UBP11! It’s my first one and it’s so fun! Yay! Happy to find your lovely site.

We’re partying too – so swing by:
We blog about multigenerational life…wild and nutty…fun too!


What a beautiful family you have. There are many homeschoolers I see on the UBP. I send a lot of KUDOS to you all. This is my first year at the party.

What a great party! this is my third time and having fun “meeting” so many fine bloggers 🙂

I’m Here from the UBP11 adding you to my blog roll page.
Thanks for a great prize! My Ultimate blog party post

barb g.

Whoo hoo! You homeschool! Me too! Nice to meet you. I have 2 kiddos, I’m a homeschooling mom, a pro athlete that hates to workout LOL.. I also write a fitness blog, but I LOVE fried fatty foods. You can read more about us in my party post.

Hi! I see you feature Reviews and/or Giveaways. I would like to invite you to add your blog to my “Review and Giveaway Blog Directory” if you haven’t already . Hope you’re having a Sweet Week!

A Mommy’s Sweet Blog Design
Custom Blog Design, Free Blog Tutorials, Buttons, & Template

hello there! it’s so nice to meet you! you’ve got beautiful children! looking forward to reading more about your homeschooling & browsing your recipes! xxo

I am your newest fan from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011. I would really appreciate it if you follow me back through Google Connect Friend. I have a lot of contest going on Madame Deals. $25 amazon gift card, Vera Bradley purse, $100 in jewelry, 200 cut coupons, bare minerals gift pack, $30 for an organic outfit, $75 P&G products, and the chance to win $1000. Thank you Amee

It’s nice to see other homeschoolers represented on the UBP! This is my first year blogging, and I am in the same place as you were last year. I’m glad to see that there is hope!

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