Homeschoolers may not have a classroom filled with kids but they still celebrate Valentine’s day with a little twist. Some of our local groups get together for a Valentine’s Day exchange party at a local park but our preferred method is the international Valentine’s Day exchange.
Category: Education
We are homeschoolers who lean towards unschooling. Our boys are avid gamers who enjoy getting out to enjoy life before they have to be burdened with the woes of adulthood.
Always Learning
We are always learning, even as adults. A new cooking method. A new way to communicate. Or something even more complicated, like Javascript.
Mandatory Flunking?
Should Mandatory Flunking be an answer to a problem with getting kids to read? The governor of New Mexico thinks so. She is proposing to flunk third graders that are not able to score high enough on one single specific test. I do believe in some cases failing third grade may be an option but […]
School Cutbacks Get To A New Level
As some of you may know we recently moved up North to Albuquerque last year from Southern New Mexico(Las Cruces area). The Las Cruces Public School system implemented some major cost cutting measures which will not only hurt students but also employees. They are going to be furloughing all employees three days per year. ALL EMPLOYEES. […]
Building Good Money Habits For Kids
Looking for ideas on how to build good money habits for kids? We have some tried and true ideas just for you!

So you’ve opened your new smartphone and are looking for apps but don’t really know which ones are vital? Don’t fret…we’re here to help!