How frustrating is it when you just want to buy baby toys, but you have to sort through millions of toys for older kids before you find what you’re looking for? Ebeanstalk is a toy website that allows you to search for the specific age of your child so you don’t have to go through […]
Tag: Reviews
We love reviewing products and services whether they are tried and true products around our home or new products we’ve received for testing. If you’re interested in having your product or service featured, contact us for details.
Albuquerque BioPark
Our family had a great time at the Albuquerque BioPark which includes the Rio Grande Zoo, Albuquerque Aquarium, Rio Grande Botanic Garden and Tingley Beach. We spent most of our time at the zoo but took the train by Tingley Beach and over to the aquarium. The train went through the garden which was very relaxing […]
The Original SafetyTats are similar to other temporary tattoos. The one we choose was the Non-verbal Tat with our phone number specifically for Little T. I was thrilled when I saw the Non-verbal Tat because being non-verbal is often a left out condition with medical safety items. The tattoo went on as easily as other […]
I was thrilled when I was selected for the Glue Dots Summer Bonding Project through TwitterMoms. Drama King is a huge arts and craft kid. He loves coloring, painting, and making projects. You can’t imagine the look on his face when I told him we were going to try out a new glue process. You […]
Emergency or Medical IDs
A few years ago, we decided to get the boys ID cards that would have our phone number in case they were separated from us. We had concerns about Little T not being able to communicate with anyone due to his Apraxia. We researched a variety of ways to get the emergency information into a […]
Be Kind Rewind
The plot was weakly executed into a fun yet lacking movie. Great actors, hilarious moments, old movie makeovers and some strange characters make this movie worth watching. Trailer