Family Life

Sour Cream and Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas

Everything Else

We’re In The Spotlight

A few weeks ago, we were informed that Business 2 Blogger has selected our blog for a new feature they were starting called Saturday Spotlight. It was really an honor just to be selected but when I caught on Twitter that we were this weeks pick, I was thrilled. I didn’t expect to see our […]


We Speak Geek Around These Parts

Yes, we speak geek. And our boys speak it, too. Lots of kids have play phones but not many play “tech support” on them. It’s hilarious to watch them pick up the phone and say “Tech support” and then intently listen about the pretend callers problem. Of course, they have learned that rebooting your computer […]

Family Life

Fresh Salsa

After our missed week last week due to our busy spring weekend, we’re back sharing our menu and favorite recipes. Salsa is one of the easiest and most versatile recipes we’ve ever made. It’s basically a combination of fruits and veggies chopped and combined with spices. Why do so many people shy away from making […]

Family Life


Everything Else

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

My how times have changed. Last year when I participated for the first time in 5 Minutes for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party, I was just starting out. I had no giveaways. I had no sponsored product reviews. I had very few readers, let alone many followers on Google Friend Connect, Twitter or Facebook. I’m not […]