Family Life

How We Spent Our Easter Weekend #UBP13

Last year, we went to SpringFest and participated in their Easter egg hunt but some of us came home cranky and overwhelmed so this year we tried to find something better. Unfortunately we were unable to find a small spring festival that was not held at a church so we opted to go park hopping with our puppies on Saturday.

LT, DK, Cierra and Starlet
Little T (left) and Drama King with their puppies Cierra (left) and Starlet

Our first stop was a semi-deserted park that contained a ton of sports fields so we took the opportunity to take a group shot of the boys and the puppies. Afterwards we hit a few other parks including one that had a group of people celebrating spring by throwing paint at each other.

There's An Anthill
If we stare long enough the ants might notice us.

Sunday morning we had a quiet start to our day with Easter baskets and family time. In the late afternoon, Tim hid plastic Easter eggs outside for the boys. We sat down to a fantastic meal of spiral ham, au gratin potatoes, red hot southern sweet potatoes, and rolls.

What did you do for Easter Weekend?

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

If you’re joining us from the Ultimate Blog Party, welcome to Tim And Angi’s Blog. I’m Angi, the primary writer of this blog. Wife to Tim. Mom to Little T and Drama King. We live in a small country town in southern New Mexico. When I’m not blogging, I am a web and print designer. This is our fourth year participating in the Ultimate Blog Party so if you haven’t checked out the party, you’d better hop on over now.

Don’t forget to come enter our current giveaway for your chance to win a Catch a Character code. You can finally catch that sneaky Easter Bunny!

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

12 replies on “How We Spent Our Easter Weekend #UBP13”

Hello Angi and Tim. What a great Blog you have here, and a beautiful family! As a new blogger, I can see that I can learn a lot from the two of you. I am visiting you from UBP and will be returning to read more!


Sounds like you had a great Easter weekend. My family did an outdoor Easter Egg hunt that is an annual tradition for everyone’s children. I loved being able to spend time with my family, but I was definitely glad for it to end. Dad needed to catch up on some rest after the long weekend….sigh

Aaron Brinker aka DadBlunders

We’ve done our own Easter egg hunts with the boys annually, too. And they spend the days after easter hiding eggs in the house for each other.

Your sons are so handsome. Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter. I love love love your puppies.

I’ve just starting sharing more about our puppies. And now that Starlet’s gotten a taste of riding to a park, she wants to get in the car every time we leave the house. She’s sneaks in when you turn your back.

I’ll take the heat over snow any day. But that’s probably due to being raised in the hot and dry southwest. Thanks for stopping by and for hosting such an awesome event.

Hi, I’m here through UBP2013 🙂

I’m currently in Arizona, we’re stationed at Luke AFB, so it was neat reading that you grew up in AZ. Cute kids, and dogs 🙂

Have a great weekend, and if you wish, feel free to come by my blog and say hi 🙂

Welcome! Cute photos – kids, dogs, or food – always attract my attention so I tend to share them on occasion.

Thanks for stopping by. I’ll be dropping by your blog soon!

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