Entertainment Family Life

13 Treasured Moments Of 2012

We’ve had so many treasured moments this year so we narrowed it down to these thirteen.

  1. Mumfection, Home Maid Simple, and our blog started Think About It! Thursdays. Sadly it didn’t take on and we’re back to the drawing board.
  2. We bought and processed over 60 pounds of produce in one weekend. It lasted about six months so we did it again.
  3. We shared so much food knowledge during the A to Z challenge.
  4. Wholly Guacamole provided fantastic toppings for so many of our regular dishes. Super nachos were one of our favorite lunch quickies this year.
  5. Grandma Deb, Tim and Angi got new smartphones. We had a blast trying out new apps.
  6. The boys, Tim and Angi attended a WWE event. This was our first one at this particular arena.
  7. Cook’n Recipe Organizer helped us organize our favorite recipes. We’ll be giving away a sample of our Cook’n cookbook soon.
  8. Drama King wanted to be Link from Legend of Zelda for Halloween. Sadly we couldn’t find a costume in his size. After researching, we took the plunge and made our own version.
  9. Our puppy, Starlet, celebrated his first birthday and was fixed so we wouldn’t add to the animal population problems.
  10. Everyone is the family got a new computer. Grandma Deb got a laptop. Tim and Angi got huge desktops. The boys inherited our old desktops.
  11. Our blog got a makeover with easier access to all of our topics, a simplified sidebar, and a lot less ads.
  12. Everyone having a turn on the big Christmas gift, a Wii with oh so many games. Within a few days, Drama King already has 99 lives for Mario on New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Little T has mastered controlling the characters in Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution.

And the top treasured moment of this year is…

  1. Drama King reading his first book completely on is own. This was a HUGE accomplishment given that he was diagnosed with dyslexia just a few months ago and has struggled with reading at every turn.
What were your treasured moments this year?

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

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