
Super Bowl Sunday & Early Menu Plan Monday

It’s Super Bowl time again and we’ll be hanging out at home with our family. We shared the games that we’re using to keep the boys entertained so now we’ll share the food we’re serving up to keep their bellies full.

We’ll start the day off with some yummy breakfast burritos for a mid morning brunch. Then we’ll be munching on lots of finger foods up until bedtime. What kind of finger foods, you ask? First up, we picked a recipe from our test kitchen board that looks super yummy. Hot ham rolls using my all time favorite King’s Hawaiian rolls. We’ll also be using our go to Knorr spinach dip recipe paired with French bread strips. And in our house, no football game is complete without our traveling taco dip. It’s like eating tiny tacos in every bite. Well, minus the meat. As for drinks, we’re going old style and offering glass bottles of Mexican beer, Mexican Pepsi and those wonderful glass bottles of root beer for the kids. We’ll also have the standard iced tea, water, and milk.

That pretty much sums up our meal plans for Sunday but what do we have in store for the rest of the week?


  • Chef salad with baked potatoes (twice)
  • Chips with guacamole OR super nachos depending on what’s leftover from the Super Bowl feast.
  • Bagels (twice)
  • Frito pie (recipe coming soon)


This post may appear on Menu Plan Monday.

By Angelia Embler

Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.

4 replies on “Super Bowl Sunday & Early Menu Plan Monday”


Your menu sounds very good! I have no idea what we will be having today. I am thinking, Chips/Dip, hotdogs, smokies, and potato salad. Thanks for giving and sharing your great recipes!

Oh we love King’s Hawaiian rolls, i have similar ham sandwiches pinned and that’s the perfect Super Bowl snack. I actually have spinach dip in the freezer from our last party, it’d be a good time to pull it out. Enjoy the Super Bowl, you’ve got great food!

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