As our boys get older, we are more and more aware of how our boys access and use the internet. Their teen years aren’t that far away with our oldest almost in double digits now. Little T has even asked us when he’ll be able to have a cell phone. As with most things, my […]
Author: Angelia Embler
Angi grew up in southern Arizona but now lives in central New Mexico with her husband, two sons and three dogs. She creates, she responds to Yoast support requests, and she loves to ramble on about anything. When not doing those, she can be found curled up with a good book or watching any one of her favorite TV shows, movies, or an American football game.
After reading a post titled ‘You know you’re becoming country when…‘, I thought what a great idea for a blog post. Well, really only after listening to Tim explain to a delivery driver how to get to our home. The poor delivery driver has been trying to get to our house since 1:30pm. It’s almost […]
Pancit is the perfect side dish for our kalua pork.
Bread Machine Potato Bread
{Bread Machine} Potato Bread recipe that is simple and tasty. It’s tempting to eat the bread right out of the machine but waiting a few hours for it to cool down makes it easier to slice.
In our garden we try our best to keep everything we add or use in it as natural and organic as possible including using organic plant food. Whitney Farms has a whole line of plant food that is all natural but why should you pick natural plant food over the other choices out there?
Batter Recipe for Fried Zucchini
This month we’ve taken on a challenge – one that involves blogging through the alphabet. Our theme for the challenge is food. Come grab our batter recipe for the tastiest fried zucchini you’ll ever make.