Everything Else

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The TV series “Thirteen Reasons Why” follows the classmates of a teenage girl that took her own life as they unravel the mysteries that led up to her death. As expected, this has lead to an increase in the discussion around suicide. While both teen suicide— and suicide, in general—is a big problem, the National […]

Everything Else

Join The Influenster Community Today!

Are you part of the Influenster group of bloggers? If not, you are missing out on some great perks and blog opps.

Everything Else

Four Ways To Earn Rewards For Things You Do Already

Who doesn’t like earning free stuff? It’s how some people afford a bigger holiday season for their friends, families, and for others in need. In our home, we earn rewards through a lot of programs due to our blogger status but did you know even a non-blogger can earn rewards. Here’s four ways you can […]

Everything Else

Fingers Crossed As The #UBP13 Winds Down

As 5 Minute for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party winds down, we look back at the blogs we discovered this year.  And we have our fingers crossed that we’ll be lucky enough to win one of the fantastic prizes. Dad Blunders post about blue being for boys was great. Our youngest is not a fan of […]

Everything Else

Innovative Calendar Is Fantastic For Planning

Every year we have so many calendars that I seriously hate having to change them out. I have one in the boys room, the office, the kitchen, and the playroom. Last year, we didn’t put up a single calendar and by mid-year the boys were begging for a calendar because they couldn’t remember what was […]

Everything Else

Think About It Thursday – Christmas Traditions

Today’s Topic: What are your Christmas traditions? Before we moved to New Mexico, we used to go to a local theater company on Christmas eve for their Christmas show. We munched on popcorn, ate pizza, fried zucchini, and salads. And during intermission, we have ice creams to celebrate Tim’s birthday and our anniversary. Now that […]